October 07, 2013
If you notice that you feel tired a lot, it may not simply be that you’re working long hours. Many people who feel fatigued, or have “low energy” mistakenly attribute this to the stress of life. Well, there may be something else to it.
Did you know that your brain expends considerable energy just maintaining muscle tone? If it didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to stand. There is a constant flow of nerve signals to your muscles, especially those around your spine and legs. These muscle groups must have the precise amount of nerve tone in order for you to stand and move efficiently, and the brain sees to that.
Now, imagine having bad posture; like a high hip, rotated torso, or high shoulder. These spine and muscle imbalances put a greater demand on your brain, requiring it to “work extra hard” to keep you standing and moving. When your brain is tired, your body will feel tired.
So, if you feel like you have low energy, check your posture and flexibility. Do you have a hunched back and forward rolling shoulders? Can you bend your spine in all directions, equally? If not, make sure to get checked. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper spinal movement and alignment.
There are other factors that can contribute to fatigue, namely not getting enough exercise (cardio and strength), not getting proper nutrition, and not getting enough water. And of course, medical conditions like hypothyroidism can be a factor. Make sure that you are addressing all possible causes of fatigue–you can overcome it if you make the effort.
Till next time,
Your All in One Team at Chiropractic First and Wellness Center